I am not satisfied with the quality of the rice. How can I return it and receive a refund?


Last Update 2 ปีที่แล้ว

We apologize for any trouble, we have a 24 hours return policy, and you can return the product within 24 hours from the time of delivery

A return fee of INR 100 will be applicable if you decide to return the product

Our delivery partner will pick up the order, and the seller will verify the order & if you have used the rice, they will calculate the weight and let us know the exact weight they have received. we will calculate the amount and refund the amount after charging a return fee of INR 100

In other words, you ordered a 25KGS rice bag worth 1000 INR, and you want to return the product

Our delivery guy will pick up the order, and the seller will calculate the weight. If you used 2kgs rice, we would refund 820 INR back to your original payment mode

Charges will include the return fee and the used rice price.

As a token of apology, we will add INR 100 cashback to your Budgetershopy wallet

You can use the amount on your next order based on order value(terms and conditions apply)

Steps to place refund and return request:

1 Go to the profile section

2 Go to orders

3 You can find return and refund option on the order

4 You can fill in the reason and submit the request

5 We will check and keep you posted on the same

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